25 wants
1. I want breakfast.
2. I want beer.
3. I want a bath.
4. I want a beautiful flower by my bed.
5. I want a rose that smells like a rose.
6. I want to clean off my desk.
7. I want to clear through my piles.
8. I want to not create the piles.
9. I want to have no need to have no need to leave unprocessed my piles.
10. I want to be able to process the deeper stuff that the piles distract me from.
11. I want to feel that there is nothing to process to be whole.
12. I want to feel whole.
13. I want to take back what was taken from me.
14. I want to take back my puny pile of bones when I was seven.
15. I want to take back my little Raggedy Annie innocence.
16. I want to spit up the tongue that pushed in my mouth.
17. I want to know of the pain that Billy suffered when he died of cancer.
18. I want to know of the loneliness that Bill suffers when he doesn't have the university's prestige attached to his name.
19. I want to know my animal.
20. I want to acknowledge my animal.
21. I want to feed my animal.
22. I want to protect my animal.
23. I want to comfort-snuggle my animal truth.
24. I want to feel that right now I am enough.
25. I want to feel that my enoughness has its place in the scheme of all things.